SIUE Grad School Presents Research Grants to Doctoral Students
The recipients of the Graduate School’s 2023 Research Grants for Research Doctoral Students (RGRDS) awards have been selected. The RGRDS program awards grants of up to $1,000 on a competitive basis to support research/projects initiated and conducted by students of the SIUE EdD programs, DNP programs, and the co-operative PhD programs to enhance their academic progress. The purpose of this program is to support the research of doctoral students under the guidance of faculty advisors.
The following is a list of the 2023 RGRDS award recipients:
School of Engineering
Ryan Cafarelli of Engineering Sciences, “Robot Leg Self-Defined Proprioception for Injury Recovery in Dangerous Environments”
College of Arts and Sciences
Charlette Jauch of Environmental Resources and Policy, “Locally Available Produce in St. Louis: An Evaluation of Access and Distribution”
School of Nursing
Carly McCleland of Nurse Anesthesiology, “Application of Ultrasound for Difficult Vascular Access in Obstetric Patients”
Erin Robke of Family Health and Community Health Nursing, “Establishing Routine Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation During Pregnancy in an Impoverished Guatemalan Community”
Alissa Struble of Family Health and Community Health Nursing, “Implementation of Menstrual Cycle and Fertility Awareness Education for Community Healthcare Providers Serving Guatemalan Women”
Marissa Tucker of Nurse Anesthesiology, “Enhancing Knowledge of the Anesthesia Machine: An Interactive Training Program for SRNAs”
School of Education, Health and Human Behavior
Dustin Bilbruck of Educational Leadership, “Access and Equity in Extracurricular Programming in Large Suburban High Schools”
Christopher Crumble of Educational Leadership, “The Overuse of Exclusionary Discipline on African American Male Students: The Perception of Discipline for Black Male Students in Midwest Urban Schools”
Kevin Devany of Educational Leadership, “Instrumental Educator Attrition: A Qualitative Study to Help Identify the Factors to Slow the Exodus”
Troy Keiser of Educational Leadership, “Special Education Staff Perceptions on the Process of Determining Learning Disabilities: A Qualitative Study”
Krista Kunz of Educational Leadership, “Principal Perceptions of Purposeful Play in PreK Classrooms”
Dustin Nail of Educational Leadership, “Teacher Retention in Rural Illinois Schools”
Latricia Singleton of Educational Leadership, “Teachers’ Perspectives on Trauma Impacted Students”
Alyssa Smith of Educational Leadership, “Teachers' Decision Making Process for Professional Development”
Photo: The cougar statue on SIUE’s Edwardsville campus.