SIUE Supports Students Through Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is partnering with Madison and St. Clair Counties to support students working in conjunction with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) by providing necessary services to help students achieve their academic goals.
WIOA is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy.
“SIUE and our partners in the workforce development system have a shared vision, getting students the training they need to get jobs,” said SIUE Chancellor Randy Pembrook, PhD. “As member of the SIUE community, all of us have a commitment to helping students complete their academic programs of study. WIOA provides funding and resources for a variety of individuals, who otherwise would not be able to continue their studies.”
Individuals eligible for WIOA include dislocated and/or laid-off workers, anyone eligible for public assistance, low-income adults, veterans transitioning out of the military, and spouses of eligible individuals.
“Our role is to provide a trained workforce for those businesses in our area, and SIUE is a part of that in providing training and education,” said Anthony Fuhrmann, Madison County director of employment and training. “WIOA is pretty flexible in what it can pay and do.”
“Our charge is to ensure that area employers have a skilled and ready workforce available to them at all times,” said Richard Stubblefield, coordinator, St. Clair County Intergovernmental Grants Department Workforce Development Group.
SIUE provides information, certifies identified academic programs and supports students in accessing documents required to sustain enrollment in WIOA funded programs.
Eligible students may receive funding for tuition, fees and other educational expenses. “WIOA is a resource available to assist people in getting a better career, be self-sustaining and help their families,” said Debbie Angleton, planning and program manager at Madison County Employment and Training.
For more information, contact Deb Angleton at / 618-296-4301, Rick Stubblefield at / 618-825-3259 or