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High Lake
in the Sylvania Wilderness Area, Upper Peninsula
of Michigan.
One of the clearest lakes in the Midwest
This page describes my research. I have retired from Southern
Illinois University Edwardsville effective May 15 2014. I am no longer taking students. To read about
my current research projects click here Research . I have kept a record
of former students from the lab. They are list under “Blast from the Past”.
Blast from the Past,
A list of all past students from the lab with information on current
Titles of our recent publications. Click to view (Abstract)
Kilburn, P. and R.B.Brugam
(2014) Inventory of Vegetation Studies in Illinois
Based on the Public Land Survey Records Transactions of the
Illinois State Academy of Science 107:13-17
Karthic I.,
Brugam, R.B., Retzlaff, W.A., Johnson, K.A. (2013). The impact of nitrogen
contamination and river modification on a Mississippi River floodplain lake Science
of the Total Environment 463–464: 734–1
Brugam RB, Ketterer M, Maines
L**, Lin Z-Q, Retzlaff WA (2012) Application of a Simple Binary Mixing Model to
the Reconstruction of Lead Pollution
Sources in two Mississippi River Floodplain Lakes, , Journal of
Paleolimnology, 47, 101-112
Kilburn, Paul, and R. B. Brugam 2010. How Natural is
Nature? The Confluence Spring/Summer pp. 42- 55 (Journal Website Location)
Kilburn, Paul, B. Tutterow, and R. B. Brugam
2009. The tree species composition and
history of barrens identified by land surveyors in Southwestern
Illinois. Bulletin of the
Torrey Botanical Society. 136(2): 272 –
283 (abstract)
Brugam, R.B., M.C. Crenshaw, and L.A.B. Geise 2007. Historical development of the Cypress/Tupelo
swamp at Horseshoe
Lake, Alexander County,
Illinois, USA. Wetlands 27(2):305-318.
Vermillion, B., R. Brugam, W.Retzlaff and I. Bala
2005. The sedimentary record of environmental lead
contamination from St. Louis, Missouri
area smelters. Journal of Paleolimnology 33(2):189-203.
Brugam, R.B., B. Owen, and L. Kolesa. 2003. Continental-Scale Climatic Forcing
Factors and Environmental Change at Glimmerglass Lake in the Upper Peninsula of
Michigan Holocene 14(6):807-817. (Abstract)
Brugam, R.B. 2003. Book
Review: Pollution of Lakes and Rivers: A Paleoenvironmental Perspective. . Journal
of Paleolimnology 30(2):189-203.
10. Brugam, Richard, Indu Bala, Jennifer Martin, Brian Vermillion, and
William Retzlaff. 2003. The Sedimentary Record of Environmental
Contamination in Horseshoe Lake, Madison County, Illinois Transactions of the Illinois Academy of Sciences 96(3): 205-218. (Abstract)
(PDF file
of manuscript)
11. Brugam,
R. B., I. Bala, B. Vermillion, W. Retzlaff.
2003. Historical impact of industrial development on groundwater and surface
water quality in the American Bottoms. Proceedings of the 2003 Illinois Groundwater
(pdf file of manuscript)
12. Brugam, R.B., I. Bala, J. Martin,
B. Vermilion, and W. Retzlaff. 2003. The Sedimentary Record of
Environmental Contamination in Horseshoe
Lake, Madison
County, Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy
of Science 96:205-218.(Abstract)
13. Brugam, R.B., I. Bala, B.
Vermilion, and W. Retzlaff 2002. Historical Impact of
Industrial Development on Groundwater and Surface Water Quality in the American
Bottoms. Proceedings of the 2002 Illinois Groundwater Consortium (pdf file of manuscript)
14. Brady,
K and R. B. Brugam 2002 . Phosphorus
and Silica Recycling in Cougar Lake, a Small Illinois
Reservoir. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 17:19-26 (Abstract)
15. Brugam, R. and J. Stahl. 2000. The Potential of Organic
Matter Additions for Neutralizing Acid
Surface Mine
Lakes. Transactions of
the Illinois State Academy of Sciences 93:127-144 (Abstract) ( pdf file of manuscript)
16. Brugam, R and P.Swain. 2000.
Diatom Indicators of Peatland Development at Pogonia
Bog Pond, Minnesota.
Holocene 10:453- 464.(Abstract)
17. Brugam,
R.B. 1998. The Environmental History of a New England Lake
Chap. 2.6 in Biology:
a Community Context B. J. Speziale, W.H. Leonard
and J.E. Penick eds. Southwestern Educational
18. Brugam, R.B., K. McKeever, and L. Kolesa. 1998. A diatom-
inferred water depth reconstruction for an Upper Peninsula, Michigan, lake.
Journal of Paleolimnology20:267-276 (Abstract)
19. Brugam, R.B. and S.McC.Johnson 1997.
Holocene lake-level rise in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan,
as indicated by peatland growth.Holocene7:355-359 (Abstract)
20. Yangdong Pan and
Richard B. Brugam 1997. Human disturbance and trophic status changes in Crystal Lake, McHenry
County, Illinois, USA Journal of Paleolimnology
17:369-376. (Abstract)
21. Brugam, R.B., M. Giorgi, C. Sesvold, S.M.
Johnson, and R. Almos. 1997. Holocene
vegetation history in the Sylvania Wilderness
Area of the Western Upper Peninsula
of Michigan.American
Midland Naturalist 137:62-71. (Abstract)
22. Brugam, R.B. and M.J. Patterson, 1996. Application
of a Geographic Information System to mapping presettlement vegetation in Southwestern Illinois. Proceedings
of the Illinois Academy of Science. (Abstract) ( pdf file of manuscript)
23. Brugam, R.B., J. Gastineau,
E. Ratcliff. 1995. The neutralization of
acidic coal mine lakes by additions of natural organic matter: a Mesocosm test.Hydrobiologia
24. Brugam,
R.B. 1993. Surface sample analogues of Elk Lake
fossil diatom assemblages. In: Bradbury, J.P., and Dean, W.E. eds. "Elk Lake, Minnesota /
Evidence for Rapid Climate Change in the North-Central United States",
Geological Society of America,
Special Paper 276 pp 189-214. (Abstract)

Last Update 5 Nov. 2014