Kepler (1571-1630)

1. Kepler was always a heliocentrist. However, he criticized Copernicus for some errors, for example his inconsistent notion of eccentricity (measured from the sun for the earth’s deferent, but from the earth for mars’ deferent).

2. Works with rahe and inherits the astronomical data that are almost twice as accurate as those of antiquity. He took the problem of Mars’ orbit, a traditionally difficult subject with no really satisfactory solution especially after Brahe’s data.
He realized that epicicles won’t work, and therefore tries diffent types of ovals, finally settling on ellipses.

3. In 1609, he wites On the Motion of Mars, which contains his first two laws:

  1. Planets move on elliptical orbits with the sun occupying one of the foci
  2. A planet moves with such speed that equal ares are swept in equal times.

4. In 1619 (Harmonice Mundi), Kepler states his third law (the square of the ratio between the period of revolution of two planets is equal to the cube of the ratio of their mean distances from the sun). Eventually, Kepler linked the orbits of the planets to musical phrases, so that the universe is not only mathematically but musically harmonious.