Syllabus Spring Semester 2004
Psychology 313. Experimental Psychology: Motivation
MW 3:00 - 4:15pm AH-0401
Instructor: Dr. Eva
Office: III-0135 Phone Psych
office: 2202 to leave a
Hours: MW 1:30- 2:30, W 10:30-11:30, other hours by
Textbooks: Selected chapters from:
Ferguson, E.D. (1982). Motivation: An experimental approach.
Melbourne, FL: Krieger, 1982.
Ferguson, E.D. (2000). Motivation: A biosocial and cognitive integration of motivation and
emotion. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Prerequisites: Students should have satisfactorily fulfilled the Psychology 211
and 212 requirement and should have mastered APA style report writing, design
of research, and statistical analysis of data.
Students are to sign up as a group to go over their study with the
instructor for preparing the IRB application.
Completed/final IRB application may be handed to the instructor any time
before the 5th week, but at the latest on the Monday of the 5th
Requirements: Three exams and an independently designed
and conducted experiment. Three
exams each are worth 20% of the course grade and the experimental report
is worth 35%. Smooth learning and group members’ sharing requires that
students attend class and contribute on a regular basis. This counts
5% of the course grade, for a total of 100%. Exams are based on lectures, text assignment, and class
discussion. Reports are due on time. If a student cannot take the exam or hand in
the report as scheduled, he/she must speak to the instructor ahead of the
scheduled time and make special arrangements for a makeup or late paper
(conversation with instructor is necessary – it is not sufficient to leave a
message). Unexcused makeups and late paper without special permission are not
possible and receive a failing grade.
The experiment is done as a group
project. The final report of the
study may have shared Methods and Results content, but the Introduction and
Discussion are to be written individually by each student.
Grading is based on percentage score
(100% as the maximum): A is 90-100, B is 80-89, C is 70-79, D is 65-69. Below
65 is Failing.
1 1
Jan. 12 M Chapters 1 and 2 Ferguson (1982).
Introduction and
motivation as an intervening
variable. Discuss process
for experiments: IRB application and report, research
certificates, subject pool, senior assignment. Students
form groups of 3 persons for doing an experiment.
1 2 Jan.
14 W Chapter 3 Ferguson (1982).
Design an experiment.
Students should have formed groups for doing the
experiment. Discuss independent
and dependent variables,
factorial design, and statistical tests.
CLASSES Jan. 19 M Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
2 3 Jan. 21 W Continue
discussing design of experiment. Consider
statistical tests.
3 4 Jan. 26 M Students
hand in design of experiments. Discuss
experiments. Students sign up with the instructor
review of their study and preparing the IRB application.
All students must bring a copy of their
Research Certificates
to class.
3 5 Jan. 28 W Start Chapter 4 Ferguson (1982). Biosocial variables.
problems of definitions: S, R, and S-R definitions.
4 6 Feb. 2 M Read chapter 6 in Ferguson (2000) text,
Emotion and Mood I.
Continue Chapter 4 Ferguson (1982).
7 Feb. 4
W Read Chapter 7 in Ferguson
(2000). Emotion and Mood II.
5 8 Feb. 9 M All groups have kept a copy of their
IRB forms and all
groups have handed in their IRB applications to the
instructor by this date. Review.
5 9 Feb. 11 W
10 Feb. 16 M First Examination over Chapters 1-4 in
Ferguson (1982)
and Chapters 6 and 7 in Ferguson (2000).
11 Feb. 18 W Chapter 5 Ferguson (1982).
Activity. Start Chapter 6
pages) in Ferguson (1982). Task-Motivation
interaction: Yerkes-Dodson Law, Taylor-Spence
12 Feb. 23 M Chapter 8 Ferguson (2000) pp 129-166. Hunger and Thirst
13 Feb. 25 W Chapter 8 Ferguson
(1982). Success and Reward.
8 14 Mar. 1 M All groups are to have begun their data collection by now.
15 Mar. 3 W Second Examination: Chapters 5, 6 and 8 in
(1982) and Chapter
8 pp129-166 in Ferguson (2000).
8-14 Spring Break – No Classes
16 Mar.15 M Do sample statistics. Discuss Experiments and Senior
(Posters, Psi Chi Paper presentation). Students
bring data to class and make group appointments
analysis of data.
17 Mar. 17 W Chapter 9 Ferguson (1982). Fear, Failure, and
Anxiety. All
data should have been collected by this date.
20 Mar. 22 M
Chapter 10 Ferguson
(1982). Achievement Motivation, &
21 Mar. 24 W Discuss Experiments, Statistics, & Posters.
Students bring in data from their experiments.
22 Mar. 29 M Bring in poster samples or paper-presentation materials.
Class time for editing materials.
23 Mar. 31 W For students doing posters, bring in poster samples;
for others, bring in paper-presentation materials.
24 Apr. 5
M Ferguson (2000),
Chapter 12 pp. 252 – 255, 264-280.
Aggression and Mastery.
25 Apr. 7
W Ferguson (2000),
Chapter 14. Love and bonding.
13 26 Apr. 12 M Discuss papers and posters.
27 Apr. 14 W Hand in Experimental Papers. Start student reports.
14 28 Apr. 19 M Continue student reports.
29 Apr. 21 W
15 30 Apr. 26 M Reports and review for final exam.
31 Apr. 28 W Review
Tues. May 4 from 2:00-3:40
(Note: Not usual class time) Final Exam over
Chapters 9, 10 in Ferguson (1982) and selected pages in
Ferguson (2000), as well as aspects of experimental design.
It is a student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from a course through the enrollment office by the dates set by the university if the student is not intending to complete the course. Students who do not withdraw but have not completed the course will receive an F. Only under special circumstances a faculty member may agree to give a student an INC grade in order to allow the student to complete the remaining work for the course not later than the end of the following semester. An INC is never automatic but must be approved by the instructor. If an instructor agrees to give a student an INC grade, the instructor and student will fill out a form (Memorandum of Incomplete Grade) indicating why an INC is being given. This form will be on file in the instructor’s office and if the work is not completed by the specified time, the grade will be changed from INC to F.