Biology Educator,
Department of
Biological Sciences
Illinois University Edwardsville,
1651, Science Building West, Room 1240
Edwardsville, Il 62026
Office Phone
Office Staff Phone 618-650-3927
The Next Generation Science Standards (Illinois has adopted).
Mississippi River High School Curriculum Guide and Symposium
- High School Teachers check it out!
Place-based Education Lessons
for our local area Partially funded by NGRREC - High School
Teachers email Elaine for connection to Drop Box folder.
Bachelor's Degree in Biology - Education
Master's Degrees Attractive to In-service Biology
Teachers in the region
Courses Taught by Dr.
Other Information
about Dr. AbuSharbain
Doctor of
Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction specializing in
Computer Based Education at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Illinois on August 1992. Dissertation titled:
Gender Bias in Educational Software:
A Gender Role Analysis of the Best Math and Science
Software Simulations. G.P.A.
Master of
Science in Education in Curriculum and Instruction specializing in
Science/Environmental Education at Southern Illinois University
at Carbondale,
Illinois on
August 1987. Thesis �Relationship between Socio-Moral Reasoning
and Environmental Education of general civic group members
versus environmental group members� 3.8/4.0
Science Teacher Certification in Biology, 1986.
B.S. Zoology, minor in
Botany, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL, December,
1980. 3.61/4.0
7/2003 to
present Associate Professor, Biology Educator, Department of
Biological Sciences, Serving the Office of Science and Math
Education, SIUE and serving as faculty for the Master of Science
in Environmental Science Program, Environmental Education track.
Director of Secondary Education Biology Certification
Assistant Professor, Biology Educator, Department of Biological
Sciences, Serving the Office of Science and Math Education (now
STEM office), SIUE and serving as faculty for the Master of
Science in Environmental Science Program, Environmental
Education track.
Biology Educator, Instructor, Department of Biological Sciences,
Serving with Office of Science and Math Education (now STEM
offfice), Southern Illinois
University at Edwardsville.
8/91-12/92 Instructor, Math and Science
Department, John A. Logan
College, Carterville, IL.
1/91-5/91 Instructor, Department of Curriculum
and Instruction, College
of Education,
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (SIUC) Course titled,
�Applications of Computers for Teachers." CI483
Journal on
Excellence in College Teaching,
of Science Education.
Abusharbain, E
(2005). The Effect of the
Action Research and Community Problem Solving Model on Graduate
service Teachers and Environmental Educators. North American
Association of Environmental Education, published 2005 conference
E (2004). Environmental Education Infusion in the
Secondary Science Methods Course. North American
Association of Environmental Education, published 2004,
conference proceedings.
E. and Schneider, M. (2002, Sept.). Enhancing
Teacher's Constructivist Epistemology through the Development
and Redesign of Inquiry-based Investigations together with
their Students. Electronic
Journal of Science Education, 7(1), Sept.
Moore, C.J., AbuSharbain, E., and May, V.L. (1999).
Partnership Strategies for Engaging High School Students in
Investigative Genetics Curriculum, Academic
Medicine, 74(4):342-344.
Outside of SIUE
Meeting of the Rivers Foundation, Board
Member, 2008- Present.
Watershed Nature Center Board member,
Children�s Museum of Edwardsville Board,
2005- 2010.
Review Team for Independent School Districts
of Missouri
Memberships North American Association of Environmental
Education, since 1993; Environmental Education Association of
Illinois, since 1992; Illinois State Academy of Science, 1986-7
and since 1993; National Science Teachers Association, since
1994; National Association of Biology Teachers, 1993; Phi Delta
Kappa, since, 1989. Vice President 90-91; Phi Kappa Phi, since
1989; Sigma Xi
- National Great Rivers Research and
Education Center, Textbook Extensions on the Upper Mississippi
River to 6-12th grade textbooks.
Student Fellowship, $4600.National Great Rivers Research and
Education Center, Fellow: Katie Long.
- PI Meridian Society, $5000,
Enhancing Relationship with East St. Louis Students with
attendance to SIUE�s Science Camp (July 18 � 29, 2005)
- CO-PI Meridian
Society, $2500, �Increasing Native Plant Diversity and Kiosk
Addition in the SIUE Donal Myer Arboretum�
Co-PI with Dr. Esselman� April 23, 2004.
- TIE INS, Technology Inquiry,
Environment � Investigation and Nature in Science, Eisenhower
Professional Development Funds, July 2002, $43,050.
- Removal of Exotic Species at the
Nature Center Preserve:
Phase II, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, American
Bottoms Partnership, $7000, Feb. 2001.
- Removal of Exotic Species at the
Watershed Nature Center Preserve, Illinois Department of
Natural Resources, American Bottoms Partnership, $5700, Feb.
- Illinois Department of Natural
Resources, Habitat Fund, Establishment of a 2 acre oak-savanna
prairie at the Meyer Arboretum, $2000, Jan. 2000.
- Illinois Department of Natural
Resources - Special Project Proposal - Seeding 2 2-acre
prairies at the Watershed Nature Center Preserve $999.50.
- College Arts & Sciences -
FDF Biotechnology Education Program for 2 day workshop for
High School Teachers, $1400, April 3 &4, 1998.
- Science Education Partnership
Award (SEPA), National Institute of Health, 1994 to
1997 Co-Project Investigator and Evaluation Supervisor,
Project title: �Modern Genetics
for All Students.� SEPA awarded to the Science Outreach Office
at Washington University, St. Louis.
Evaluation to collect, analyze and report data from
three years of implementation of integrated Biotechnology Unit
in 4 pilot schools. $113,000
Awarded Contracts
- Middle
School Curriculum Committee, IBHE, Teacher Quality Enhancement
Grant, 05/2000-06/2004.
- External
Evaluator ($3000) for Illinois Scientific
Literacy Grant (IL State Board Education) Inquiry-Based
Science Project Grant Awarded to St. Clair County
Regional Office of Education,(60,000 for 2001)
- External
Evaluator ($3600) for Illinois Scientific Literacy Grant (ISBE)
, COILS: Connecting
Outdoor Instruction to the Illinois Learning
Standards. Grant
Awarded to St. Clair County Regional Office of Education,
1999-2001 schoolyears,($92,665)
Presentations- Scholarship-
1. The Upper Mississippi River Curriculum and Symposium
-Effect of Place Based Education to enhance biology content.
March 2012, National Science Teachers Association.
2. Empowering Students in
Environmental Education, The Great Turning: Education,
Leadership and Activism for a Life Sustaining Civilization,
Sponsored by Audubon Expedition Institute of Lesley University,
October 17-20, 2007, Geneva
Point Conference Center,
3. NSTA St. Louis, Geese in Cougar Lake,
March 2007
�Action Research and Community Problem Solving�
SIUE CAS Colloquium �Thinking about the Environment, April 2007
Environmental Education Association of Illinois State
Conference, Pere
Marquette State Park, May 5th,
11:00 - 11:50. Action Research in
Environmental Education.
Enhancing learning in large lecture courses, St. Louis University, Nov. 2006.
�Energy Resources�, March 22, 2006 Greater
Explorations, SIUE.
Illinois Renewable Natural Resources
Conference, Peoria, IL March 7-10, 2001 �Teaching Teachers How to Incorporate Natural Areas in
Their Schoolyard�
NSTA Presentation �Schoolyard Investigations
that Work On the Web�, St.
Louis, MO.,
March 23rd, 2001
North American Association Environmental
Education, �Environmental Literacy in Large Classes at the
University", Oct 17- 22nd, 2000, South Padre Island Texas.
11. National
Association of Biology Teachers �Results of a 3 year study of
the effects of hands-on training in genetics and biotechnology�,
Reno, Nevada. Nov 4-6. 1998,
12. Lilly Conference on Teaching at Athens,
Georgia, 1997 titled �A Truly
Interdisciplinary Course on Living Ecologically.�
Please send your questions or
comments eabusha@siue.edu
or Call at
Or visit Science West
Building 3rd Floor, Room 1240
Last Modified
On Sept 30, 2013